The theme of this month has been navigating overwhelm.

I started this month feeling behind (a thought + belief of my own making) and created this large lump in my throat called overwhelm.

Overwhelm is sneaky.

It makes us stop in our tracks and doubt every talent and skill we have ever learned to do. And for what? To create more overwhelm.

Overwhelm is also SO familiar that, most times, believe it or not, we prefer overwhelm and indulge in it rather than face the actual emotion we are feeling (like fear, uncertainty, nervousness, or just down right incapable.)

Overwhelm is so sneaky it masks other emotions that otherwise processed would help us move forward.

For example, if you were launching a new offer to your audience that you’ve never offered before, you may feel overwhelmed by all the things leading up to that launch.

You may have a day, a week or month where you feel frozen with overwhelm. Overwhelm unchecked can stop us from moving through the deeper emotion we might also be experiencing.

In this case, it might be embarrassment or fear of failure. Knowing this helps us out tremendously because the moment we feel overwhelm, we can meet overwhelm with curiosity. Waht does that look like? I'll show you.

What’s going on here?

(I have so much to do. I can’t do it all)

What are the things I need and want to do?

(Make a list. This creates facts vs the stories we tell ourselves about all the things.)

*Pay attention to each item and what emotions arise, one by one.

What do I feel when I read the item, “Ask 5 peers to share my offer on instagram”?

(I’m scared that this might fail and everyone will know)

See how that works?

So, what do you do? How do you navigate overwhelm so it has the least amount of power over you?

Well, reading this newsletter will help. So, good for you. You’re already on your way to giving overwhelm the middle finger. ;)

Apart from learning about overwhelm, be aware that overwhelm is a thing.

Stop + Name it.

Meet overwhelm with curiosity. (What’s this about? Instead of “IM SO OVERWHELMED!!!!!”

Acknowledge that overwhelm is just an emotion and it has the potential to take over, but you ultimately give it that power.

Sometimes, simply breathing and being still while overwhelmed creates awareness + perspective to create a solution for it. After I’ve done these things, the most effective way for me to move through overwhelm, is make a plan of action. This is completely unique to you + what you need but I’ve found it’s a mixture between self care (resting, journaling, taking a bath or going for walk) and making small action steps with the things I’m feeling overwhelmed with.

“Action is the antidote to despair” Joan Baez

It’s true. Often times, we need to recognize that our power lies in doing things even though we feel uncomfortable, uneasy or fearful.

This is true with overwhelm. Addressing overwhelm with curiosity, taking the time and space to understand what’s going on + then… DO, even if we still feel overwhelmed will lead to more consistency + resilience in yourself + your business.

In my experience, the doing (while still feeling somewhat terrible) teaches me of my growing strength, tenacity + resilience.

This is what I’m trying to practice this month: practicing doing amid overwhelm.