3 WAYS TO FIND OUT WHAT YOUR PUPOSE IS | Natural Light Studio in Dublin, Ca



In January, I’m focusing on Purpose. Purpose to me has always felt like an abstract concept + I’ve always (until recently) been frustrated with the idea of purpose. What the heck is PURPOSE and why is it so important?!

I found out the answer last year when I was developing + creating my Video Confidence Course. I realized that I had all these ideas and thoughts in my head but never shared them because they seemed so random and unorganized. That’s because I hadn’t figured out my purpose for the course yet. 

Similarly, I found our purpose for CSS last year while Covid was (still is) raging around us. I knew we were a space for creatives but what kind? PHOTOGRAPHERS. It hit me. Our purpose is to serve, educate, and support photographers by helping foster their creativity, offer variety + consistency for them and their clients + create a community that felt supported and included. 

Purpose helps us focus. Purpose helps our passion last. We can be so excited about offering boudoir photography for example but if you don’t have a purpose, a message behind WHY you do it, WHY it lights you up inside, or WHY you feel women need to be photographed in the body they have NOW… that passion will fade. 

So, here are 3 ways to figure out what your purpose is:

  1. Ask: What brings you the most joy? What exhausts you in a good way?

  2. Observe: Watch what you talk about with people around you. What do you care about? What really lights a fire under your bum. 

  3. Reflect: Reflect on teaching moments in your life. This will help you find special, unique character traits about yourself and how you can help, teach, or influence people in your life. 

Think about it. You might figure out what your purpose is!
