Fall and winter session ideas | Natural Light Photography Studio Dublin, Ca



We are so excited to share with you our 2021 Fall/Winter Prop Collection images with you! We hope these images help you come up with some great fall/winter shoot ideas, make marketing and creating easier and will provide you with variety over these next few months.


This year we decided to try something a bit different and offer a prop collection that is available from August - December. Rather than offering 2 different sets only available 2 weeks out of the busy family photo season, we decided to offer you lots of time to plan, shoot and market your unique offerings to your clients in the time line you prefer, rather than our own. Unlike past sets, your offerings can be as detailed or minimal as you'd like. The props we offer are foundational pieces that can stand on their own or be a sturdy center piece in a more extravagant creation, it's totally up to you!

 Another great feature of these props is that they are at no extra cost to you. In the past, the sets we provided were more in cost and had time minimums. This prop collection is just that… a prop collection at no extra cost to you. Simple book as many hours as you need to set up, shoot and clean up at our regular booking rate.

 Our fall/winter prop collection can be viewed below or on instagram to see all the great props you can use. Make sure to check out the instructions for certain props as well. 

 Below we have provided you with downloadable images for you to use for marketing purposes and to create mood boards as well. We strongly encourage you to bring any supplemental props you want to bring to help make the space your own kind of magic. 


Content days are just for you to come and shoot all your marketing material (images, videos, reels, etc.) you want to market your new fall/winter offerings to your clients at 50% off our regular booking rate. Content days are August 28th + September 18th all day at 50% off.

 We really want to encourage photographers and small businesses to take advantage of these days because they are rare and such a steal! Think of all the content you can create at such a great price!


As a reminder, these images are for marketing purposes only and should be used only to market to your clients and to create mood boards. :)

To download:

Simply click on the image you wish to download, then right click and save image as.

fall styled shoot inspiration.png
winter styled shoot inspiration.png
Janea Greene