Studio lighting Part one | Natural Light Studio in Dublin, Ca


In this studio lighting part 1 series, we are talking all about 1 light setups, strobe settings and all the basics you need to know to start shooting with studio lights! It’s going to be a fun one!

I’m so excited to teach you how one light source can be so so powerful. Studio lighting doesn’t have to be crowded with lights and reflectors and soooo much stuff. Amazing things can be created with one simple light source and knowledge on how to use that light effectively.


These photos, for example, prove that thought exactly! I only used one light source for both of these photos and boom! You have 2 uniquely lit photos that evoke different emotions and set two different tones.

I’m so excited for you to learn simple rules + techniques to create unique images for your clients or yourself!

Let’s break down some settings to start and the rest you’ll have to watch!

Basic Studio Lighting Settings:

Camera: Canon 5D Markiii

Lens: 50mm 1.2

Shutter: 1/200

ISO: 100

Alien Bee Light Output: 1/8

I used an octobox softbox for both of these photos but placed the light in 2 different places to create different looks.

Watch the video above to learn all about it!