3 Ways To Use a Backdrop Stand: Part one | Natural Light Studio in Dublin, Ca


There are so many ways to use a backdrop stand but we decided to focus on 3 of them! This short series, “3 Ways To Use Backdrop Stands” will help get those creative juices flowing real quick!

WAY #1: Use large seamless paper!

Our Manfrotto backdrop stands are sturdy and are meant for a heavy-duty paper like this soft gray Savage Universal paper. The backdrop stand extends up to 9 feet high and 12 feet wide. You can literally create whatever you want with these amazing backdrop stands!


If you’re shooting a small child or single subject, you don’t need to extend it very much, unless you want to create big open negative space in your photos. 2 or more people? Make that backdrop stand BIG!


There are so many uses for backdrop stands beyond just using it for big projects too! Stay tuned for Part ll soon!

If you’re curious how to set up a backdrop stand, watch our tutorial HERE!

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